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You probably didn’t realise but something could be loitering in your home that is making you ill, have the sniffles or that chesty cough. Cleaning your carpet just when it looks dirty is not enough to prevent this!


It’s not the ‘norm’ to think that a dirty carpet, above anything else is a health risk in you home. We’ve realised most people are very good at preventing and minimizing the obvious health risks but it’s the problems that lie deeper within your carpet that are the probably one of the reasons why you can get rid of that chesty cough or why your other halves snoring has gone from bearable to ‘oh my I want to drop kick you off the bed’.


Carpets are also a trap for the toxic remains of pesticides and toxins from paints and cleaning sprays for several years unless you remove them by giving your carpet a professional clean. The longer you leave your carpets, the more of a risk they’re having on you.


Here’s a list of how and why it’s affecting you-


Allergies – Carpets can hide a lot of allergens that a commonly identified with common allergic symptoms. They’re usually shrugged off by your local GP because the underlying issue (your carpets) isn’t an obvious one. From recycled dust to fungus, pet hair and the minuscule but equally terrifying dust mites, these are just some of many that your carpets capture and hoard.


Skin and eye conditions – Itching? Rashes? Athlete’s foot or any other fungal infection? Yes, you guessed they all come back to your carpets. Carpets store bacteria and funguses that are picked up from outside and then are collected into the carpet- no, that quick trip up the stairs to get your jacket isn’t worth keeping your shoes on every time you leave something up stairs. All fungus needs to start multiply is a small spill of water… maybe you should keep that in mind.


Respiratory Irritation – Pet dander, flakes of skin from both pets and humans can easily burrow into the carpets, saving themselves from the domestic vacuum. Urine, saliva, faeces from pets (or yourself… we hope not) can cause many problems, so try and get to the toilet next time.


People normally know what they’re allergic to, e.g.- dogs, cats etc. if you are also (unless you’re unaware of it) asthmatic; you are aware what can trigger it. But this could be made worse by the build up of allergens in your carpet. A build up of toxins and allergens in a dirty carpet can also affect the ability of otherwise healthy lungs to function correctly.


The common symptoms that come with a dirty carpet consist of:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Excessive sneezing
  • Running nose
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Wheezing
  • Red eyes
  • Itchy eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Rashes
  • Itchy skin
  • Snoring

If you or your family are suffering from any of the issues then it goes without saying that you should first seek medical advice. But as far as making your home a healthier, allergen-free environment, getting your carpets and furnishings professionally cleaned should be your first step.


This blog doesn’t just go for your carpets, it can apply to any upholstery you have in your household. It is recommended to vacuum 2-3 times a week (sofas, carpets, rugs, etc.) to reduce any of the symptoms affecting you more than they already do now, it is also recommended to get your carpet professionally  cleaned at least once a year will also be a vital part in reducing the risks of having the above systems. Our main priority is ensuring your house is free from any health risks that you can’t help.


If you have any questions or enquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 07917125421 or