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It’s finally spring, which means pretty flowers blossoming, fresh air whistling and happy birds tweeting. Taking a walk in only a sweater and inhaling the clear, crisp breeze of spring. Not the case for hay-fever sufferers! Breathing anywhere near a bed of daisies will provoke a sneeze-and-eye-watering fiasco. You go home to hide from the horror that spring brings, but as you walk across your carpeted floor or collapse onto your cushiony sofa, your eyes stream and itch even more. Hay fever isn’t only aggravated outside – the nuisances of spring are likely to be brought inside, too. In this blog, you will learn the way in which your home can be an irritant and the way in which you can help.​

​Your home is your enemy, if not cleaned. Your sofa, your carpets, your rug – all will collect pollen and aggravate your hay fever. As spring settles in and the days become longer, the temperature rises. Your windows now remain open, allowing the fresh spring air to flood in. In the air floats pretty dandelions and unfortunately pollen. Alongside the usual muddy footprints and grass stains that might be brought in now that the sun is shining and the kids are in and out, pollen and allergies nest deep into the fibres of your carpet. Hay fever might not be the only worry – dirty and grime from outside will cause pesticides and bacteria to settle into your home, which are damaging to your and your family’s health. Hiring a professional cleaning service during this time of year is highly favoured.

Experienced professionals should be hired at least twice a year, preferably in springtime. To fully ensure that dust and allergens don’t burrow into your carpets, a deep clean must take place. With professionals, the health benefits that will arise are endless. At home, your runny nose and constant cough caused by hay fever will be long forgotten about. You’ll be able to sleep at night, with the capability to breathe properly through your nose. No more sleepless nights. Other health risks that can be caused by unclean carpets will also be eliminated – within your carpet fibres, mould, fungus, dander, mites and dust all could be nesting. The health risks are scary. For your health’s sake, get your carpets professionally cleaned.​


You’re stuck in bed, too scared to leave your house due to hay fever. You’re too bunged up and tired to move – let alone think about cleaning. Your hay fever grows worse, and so does your carpets. It’s a viscous cycle. Spring aggravates your hay fever and your carpets – but your symptoms are too bad for you to clean. A professional cleaning company is needed. Let the professionals do the job – relax and let your symptoms fade away.


If you’re suffering from hay fever this season, use a professional cleaning company. Leave it to the professionals to relieve your symptoms.​