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Carpet cleaning within a commercial environment is often overlooked. An overlooked, dirty carpet can have a significant negative impact for organisations and it can affect employees as an out come. We all know that one of the most important parts of being a business is to make a good impression, not only for our clients and customers but for our employees as well. Creating a workplace with a positive environment, where your employees want to work should and one of the contributing factors to this point is cleaning your carpet and upholstery to help make your working environment enjoyable for everyone.

Increase in business and customer attraction

The first impression lasts the longest and this still counts for your work place as well, if kept clean and obtained to an exceptional standard then this will lead to the correct impression being created in your customers mind. Presentation is everything these days and presenting your business by keeping it a clean fresh place, preventing dirt and grim build up is a workplace that will have put positive impressions in your customer’s head.

Increase in productivity and employees

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone could wake up and feel excited and motivated to get to work? Working full time means a lot of your time is spent with the same people at the same desk from Monday to Friday, so you want the atmosphere to be good and positive. As the workplace acts as a second home due to the amount of time we spend there you want to treat it like you would a home and that means keeping it clean and tidy creates a area we want to work in. Dirty carpets and upholstery in the work place have the same healthy implications as dirty carpets and upholstery in your home have- so don’t risk it and get them cleaned!

Less damage to carpets

Your carpets go through a lot of ware especially within your home, so imagine what a carpet goes through in a busy office with people moving from place to place, clients and customers coming in and out, coffee and tea being split, the things lurking in your workplace carpet would be enough for you to call us up asap!


Keeping your carpets clean will not only keep it fresh and clean, it will prolong the life of the carpet- saving you money. The more you resist to clean your carpet, the more ware it’ll go through and the more you’ll have to pay out when you need a new one. But, cleaning it regularly (every 6-12 months) will ensure that it is kept in a good enough condition to please everyone.

Less number of sick employees

Yes, your carpet could be making you ill. There is a lot of build up of debris and dirt that can be found in your carpet and because of this it can lead to your employees suffering from a sniffy nose, chesty cough and having a dirty carpet can even lead to the contribution to asthma, headaches are also a result of having dirty carpets. Getting your carpets cleaned will reduce the risk of anyone having to be off due to this fact.


(please note: it’s not the main cause of all illness’ but it is an adding factor).

So you see that there are many benefits to having your workplace carpet cleaned. Whether it’s for presentation, health or productivity- you can be ensured that carpet cleaning will have a positive effect on your business.


If you having any questions about the following, or would like to know how we can help you then give us a call on 07305 579 331